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Dongxin Kindergarten

Service goal

  • Provide high-quality care and education to promote children to develop a good life, eating habits and spirit of cooperation.


  • Help children learn to act independently and take care of themselves.


  • Stimulate children's thinking and creativity.


  • Cultivate children's interest in active learning and reading.


  • Enhance children's body frame and make them more flexible and agile.


  • Inspire children's intelligence; enable their emotional, social and physical development to be comprehensive and balanced.


  • Help children lay a good foundation for entering elementary school.


  • Establish a good learning and growth environment through parent education and parent-child activities.

Service object

Children 2 to 6 years old






校長      1位

教師         11位

文員      1位

工友         4位

廚師      1位

Teacher's professional qualifications

Hold an early childhood education certificate              64%


Hold a bachelor's degree in early childhood education               27%


Bachelor of Special Early Childhood               9%


Hold a master's degree in early childhood education               9%


2020-21 school year

N1 class monthly fee is HK$4,548 (including meal fee HK$453)
Monthly fee for classes K1-K3 is HK$630 (9/2020-8/2021) (including meal fee HK$298)


The fees are adjusted by the Education Bureau on an annual basis. Eligible families with financial needs can apply to the Student Financial Assistance Agency for tuition waiver.

Parents can purchase school uniforms and textbooks from suppliers

bag             HK 65 yuan


Summer school uniform:

Yellow sports suit  HK$103 yellow piqué trousers  HK$75 white cotton jacket   HK $ 118 yuan

  Winter school uniform:

Yellow sports suit (sweatshirt, trousers)     HK$130 yellow-green fleece coat                HK $ 127 yuan

Additional services

Respite Service Object

To provide respite care services for children from two to six years old, including full-day, half-day or two-hour care services for families in need.

Respite activities

The school will try its best to allow temporary children to participate in normal school activities.

Respite Service Charges

The charge for this service is HK$16 per two hours, and the meal fee is HK$6.5 .

Application for Admission

  • 請親臨幼兒園辦理或下載入園申請表格

  • 幼兒年滿一歲均可報名

  • 須交回以下表格及文件﹕

  1. 已填妥的入園申請表

  2. 幼兒的出世紙影印本(攜正本核對)

  3. 相片一張(貼於入園申請表)

  4. 附上貼有足夠郵票的回郵信封三個,信封面請註明申請人姓名及回郵地址

  • ​​申請獲接納後,需要繳交學費及呈交下列文件﹕

  1. 幼兒的免疫接種紀錄影印本(攜正本核對)

  2. 入園前經醫生簽署之健康紀錄證明


  • 本園按以下原則分配學位:

    1. 安排面見

    2. 遞交申請表格次序

    3. 優先考慮原校就讀學生之弟妹

    4. 特殊情況,如:社工推薦信


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